A different day

In some ways it has been a different day. Firstly we both had a reasonable night’s sleep by our standards at the moment – that is to say we were only up a couple of times in the night proper and then again as it was getting light. The best thing about that very early morning wake up is that I manage to see the sun rise over the fields. The trees and bushes in the garden are silhouetted against the golden dawn. Different today too because I have not had to have a battle with any branch or aspect of the NHS. Instead the carer came, Himself ate a good breakfast and the Waitrose order arrived. Sadly my treat of the week was not available. Each week I try to get 2 or 3 malted seeded rolls. I love them. they are my treat for lunch and if I am feeling rash or bold I fill one with smoked salmon and Quark or my version of a Prawn Cocktail. Delicious. This week I can only dream. Different today too because my daughter sent us a rose to plant in the garden. It is from David Austen and is called England’s Rose. I have planted it where we can see it from the conservatory. Himself wanted to come out while I planted it but try as we might we could not get him out. He is very fearful of falling and as the zimmer wouldn’t really work outside and we couldn’t transfer him to the “Rollator” – a robust 4 wheeled walker – he had to watch from inside. after planting the rose I attacked some of the weeds growing in a border. Very satisfying and above all else, strangely, I enjoyed the chilly air. It was good to be out but I also suffer from a sort of carer’s guilt that I am doing something I want to do. Ridiculous I know.

The table in my conservatory which is really there for me to use for the sewing machine is now crammed with plants. Seedlings of flowers, runner beans and French beans, and rather a lot of Tomato plants. Why so many? Well last year I sowed several tomato seeds and only a very few germinated. the plants then proceeded to die off one by one! this year I was determined I would grow enough plants for my needs. I consequence I sowed 24 seeds!!! 23 grew. They are now robust tomato plants. I only need 3 or possibly 4 at the most. The little boy next door has been promised some, his mother would like a few for his grandmother and the man who helps with the garden shall have some too. that will still leave me with a few spares. they are the cherry type tomatoes that grow as a bush rather than those that need the side shoots removed. (I never manage to take all the side shoots out properly and end up with a tall straggling plant). If you would like a plant or two and live nearby do let me know. No promises because they might disappear very quickly.

I have only been doing this caring for 2 weeks but sometimes it feels like a lifetime. I want it all to go away but of course it won’t. I know that some of my readers have been in the same or similar situation and I also know that I have no alternative. Sometimes I long for the chance to just go and crawl around the churchyard noting down the inscriptions, coming home and researching these long gone individuals. I must keep going and I will feel tired but if I can snatch a few moments of time to go into the garden, to stroll a little way down the lane, have a quick chat with a neighbour and enjoy the view from the window and garden than it isn’t quite so bad. below is a picture of hop picking for those who wonder what it was like. this is what I remember from my childhood.

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